Our experience

Values-based investing is what we do

Anthos Fund & Asset Management is a values-based asset manager which means there is an intrinsic motivation to invest based on the values of sustainability, human dignity and good corporate citizenship. These values are deeply rooted in our history, our people, our organisation and our processes.

Values-based investing means that we adhere to our values of sustainability, human dignity, and good corporate citizenship

Our most recent Responsible Investment report explains how we put this into practice in 2023. We believe that environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria can be financially material and that integrating such considerations into investment decisions will lead to better risk-adjusted financial returns.


RI policy

Our RI policy (PDF) supports efforts to further integrate ESG considerations into our investment process. The policy serves as a starting point in discussions with our clients. On the subpage RI in our investment process we have set out an overview of how the RI policy and additional policies relate to each other.

Mapping our investments

Our belief is that good investment returns are sustainable returns, and that capital – invested in the right way – contributes positively to society and the environment.

In 2020, we built on this thinking by using the Impact Management Project’s (IMP) ‘ABC’ framework to map all our investments. This framework was based on the More than Measurement impact framework (PDF) that we published in October 2016. We are proud of the catalytic role that we have played in what recently has become the Impact Management Platform; a collaboration between leading sustainability and impact initiatives.

The ‘ABC’ framework assesses the type of impact investments have on the world. There are four categories: may/does cause harm, act to avoid harm, benefit stakeholders and contribute to solutions.

"We’re evolving our approach in ways that will make us even better at turning our values into the right investment outcomes."

Jelena Stamenkova van Rumpt, Director of Responsible Investment

May/Does cause harm

Aware of (potential) negative impacts, but not trying to prevent them

Responsible investing

Act to avoid harm

  • To mitigate risk
  • To reduce negative footprint

Sustainable investing

Benefit stakeholders

To align with longterm sustainable growth drivers

Impact investing

Contribute to solutions

  • To increase access to finance for bottom-of-the-pyramid customers
  • To help solve climate change

Impact Management Project - ABC framework

The IMP norms allow us and our clients to have a strategic view of their portfolio and discuss the impact they want it to have. They give us transparency and an opportunity to match investments with ambition. They also help us map our products to the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) reporting requirements. This will become an increasingly important tool in assessing the outcomes our investments achieve.

Industry participation

By endorsing or being a member or signatory of key platforms in the field of responsible investing, impact investing, climate and asset management, we want to better leverage our influence.